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Re: g-wrap parallel installability part deux

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: g-wrap parallel installability part deux
Date: 07 Oct 2004 12:51:11 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3

  Also, I wonder why the wrapper is so important - are that many of our
  users (who install the new G-Wrap to build guile-gnome) going to also
  build GnuCash?

IMHO, if the new g-wrap doesn't completely supercede the old - work
with all old sources, and old glib -- and this seems to be the case --
then we need parallel installation, perhaps by as simply as calling it
gwrap2 everywhere as its name (directories, libs, etc.) instead of
gwrap.  Giving up on classes of users doesn't seem like a good
strategy.  If I wanted to run gnucash, I'd build it from source using
netbsd pkgsrc.  This would build the old g-wrap and install it.

I've been wanting to play with the new guile-gobject for a while, but
between a dizzying array of branches and arch repositories and g-wrap
issues, I've not tried that hard.  I suspect if I did try it wouldn't
be that hard, but the cause of guile-gobject world domination will be
well served by making things easy, and having an unamiguous perception
that it is easy.

I hope this helps.

        Greg Troxel <address@hidden>

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