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Re: [Freetype] Best approach to get anti-aliased font bitmaps?

From: Marc L Cohen
Subject: Re: [Freetype] Best approach to get anti-aliased font bitmaps?
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 12:48:02 -0500

>On Wednesday 15 May 2002 17:58, Marc L Cohen wrote:
>|  >I suppose they would look great but I have never heard *any*
>|  >discussions on "hand tuned anti-aliased bitmaps".
>|  >
>|  >To my knowledge no one has ever created them. They just do not
>|  >exist.
>|  Actually there were some. When IBM first introduced the XGA display
>|  adapter, the OS/2 driver was distributed with hand tuned anti-aliased
>|  bitmap fonts for onscreen display. Support for them was lost when they
>|  switched from a 16-bit display driver model to a 32-bit model.
>Hi Marc!
>Are those fonts *licensable*?
>I mean, as they are not used these days - what about making them
>available with some non-restrictive license, like MIT or Artistic?

I really don't know. Probably would be, if someone in the right area
pursued it. And if they can find them. I went looking for them last month
for another reason and couldn't find them. But I'm sure someone could.

>Same qustion about some PostScript / TrueType fonts, or at least outlines
>them, for distribution as part of XFree86/Linux or other Open-Source
>Linux Desktop is heavily hurted by missing good-quality fonts.
>IMO, this should be fixed, and fixed ASAP. I am trying to fix this problem

>already for some time, but some help would be vey handy ;-)

I know IBM is investing heavily in Linux and has contributed significantly
towards it. I don't know if anyone has looked at font contributions. Afriad
it is not my area, though.

>|  Marc L. Cohen
>|  Internal:address@hidden
>|  Internet:address@hidden
>|   also at:address@hidden
>Vadim Plessky
>  (English)

Marc L. Cohen
 also at:address@hidden
(512) 838-4757 (T/L 678-4757)
FAX (512) 838-4637 (T/L 678-4637)

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