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Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] planner-insert-task-at-point?

From: pll+ew
Subject: Re: [emacs-wiki-discuss] planner-insert-task-at-point?
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2004 13:36:56 -0400

>>>>> On Sat, 21 Aug 2004, "Yvonne" == Yvonne Thomson wrote:

  Yvonne> You could create a page called UnplannedTasks or something
  Yvonne> along those lines, and simply assign anything that isn't a
  Yvonne> longterm planned task to that. you could even create pages
  Yvonne> for specific categories of those sorts of tasks so you could
  Yvonne> get some record of the *sorts* of unplanned tasks you're
  Yvonne> getting.

>>>>> On Mon, 23 Aug 2004, "Paul" == Paul Lussier wrote:

  Paul> This sounds like a GREAT idea!  I don't know why I didn't
  Paul> think of it :)

Hmmm, now that I think about it, it might make more sense to keep the 
unplanned tasks on my daily page, and the planned stuff in a 
PlannedProjects Page, since I'm more apt to deal with an unplanned 
thing than a planned one on a daily basis.

The other problem is that I often link Notes to Tasks, and the Notes 
are cross-linked to a relevent Plan page.  Having a separate page for 
tasks (whether planned or unplanned) makes it difficult to keep track 
of notes, since now I have 3 locations where the note may show up:
The (un)planned page, daily page, and plan page.

I'm leaning more toward wanting to have the 'daily' and 'Long term' 
tasks section instead, since it seems more manual to do it the other 
way.  Hmmm, is there no good answer to this dilemma? :)

Perhaps I should just manually place the tasks where I want them.
That might be the best/easiest idea.  Another option is to maintain 
to 'Day Pages', but for some reason that sounds like it would cause 
more problems than it's worth :)

I'll have to spend some more time thinking about this problem :)


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