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Anybody has experience with Normal distriubution of javaswarm?

From: Hu, Jianjun
Subject: Anybody has experience with Normal distriubution of javaswarm?
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 20:59:12 -0400

I am using the swarm-2.1.1 java version.  but now I met the following
The normal distribution of the swarm doesn't work!.

Here is my simple code:

         NormalDistImpl normDist = new NormalDistImpl();

         if ((Globals.env.uniformDblRand.getDoubleWithMin$withMax (0.0, 1.0))
                 < pGAParameterMutation){
                 double offset = normDist.getDoubleSample();    //Gaussian 
                 pGASitDefault+= offset;
                 if(pGASitDefault<0) pGASitDefault = 0.0;
                 else if(pGASitDefault>1) pGASitDefault = 1.0;

compilation is ok. but
The runtime error is:
unable to find Java selector `setMean:setStdDev:' in objc:`JavaProxy'
0xa6ae0d8 java: 0xa17cf90 hash: 18063

It seems that I can't call the setMean$setStdDev function.

What's wrong?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Jianjun  Hu

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