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Re: execution time

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: execution time
Date: 05 Dec 2000 23:29:41 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "SR" == M Lang / S Railsback <address@hidden> writes:

SR> Let me ask a related question- what might be a good hardware
SR> solution to the problem of models with lots of agents doing lots
SR> of things, assuming no parallelization? 

I can't say I've done any low-level cache profiling or anything like that.
PCs tend to have large caches, so they should do pretty good as far as
memory speed goes.

SR> Under what conditions is it a big advantage to have two
SR> processors? I suppose multiple model runs can be shipped to
SR> different processors- does a workstation running NT do stuff like
SR> that automatically?

A symmetric multiprocessing system (SMP), or a multi-machine cluster runing
Mosix, will let you spawn N model runs with different parameters and
keep all the processrs busy.  But having N processors won't help you
with any single simulation run.  NT does do SMP, but doesn't do it cross-box
like Mosix, you've got to have multiple processors in the same box.

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