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Re: Graphics/control panel problems

From: manor
Subject: Re: Graphics/control panel problems
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 1997 06:34:23 -0700

> I wondered about this "probing the bugs with a mouse clicks" too. As I
> noticed by reading the code, there are no parameters behind X: and Y:.
> [worldRaster setButton: ButtonRight Client: heatbugDisplay Message:
> M(makeProbeAtX:Y:)];

This is not the actual message call. M() is a macro for @selector() which
takes the name of a message and returns a selector for it, the arguments
are added when an actual button-click occurs (in Raster.m):


  -handleButton: (int) n X: (int) x Y: (int) y {
    id c = 0;
    SEL sel = 0;
    switch(n) {
      case 1: c = button1Client; sel = button1Sel; break;
      case 2: c = button2Client; sel = button2Sel; break;
      case 3: c = button3Client; sel = button3Sel; break;
      default: raiseEvent(SourceMessage, "Button %d out of range.\n");

    if (c && sel)
------>   [c perform: sel with: (void *) x with: (void *) y]; <------
    return self;


That's the theory, anyway...


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