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Re: [Simulavr-devel] Help needed: Pin handling broken

From: Klaus Rudolph
Subject: Re: [Simulavr-devel] Help needed: Pin handling broken
Date: Sat, 26 Jan 2013 19:04:38 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)

ThomasK schrieb:
> Hi Klaus,
> I think, I understand your problems. But ... there is one thing, that's
> forever: change! :-)

Yes, but I actually have a simple problem: The code did not work and
there are so many open problems. And yes, the old code was working and
maybe ( I don't know) there were some bugs. But if fixing some bugs make
the complete simulator unuseable... I really have no idea who have ever
tested the 1.0.0 release. I could get there really nothing to work. OK,
the head is no MUCH! better but it would be hard way to get it stable
like the old implementation I think. I am a bit tired to do the same
things twice :-)

> In your case the problem is, that the complete tcl part is unmaintained!

We are not talking about tcl! We are talking about pins and nets which
have nothing to with tcl. You can simply connect any pin of any device
to any net. So you can have connections like rx/tx lines on different
avr cores. But this feature is broken now, because you can't unregister
a pin or net.

> MirrorNet and OpenDrain (OpenDrain is just commented out in pin.cpp) are
> the same thing. It's used in my opinion only by tcl part and some
> examples, connected with tcl. There are 2 similar cases: adcpin.cpp and
> pinmon.cpp (only used by an example and only usefull together with tcl)

Sorry, this is a misunderstanding. These types of pins and connections
can be usefull in any kind of simulation, which needs io-response from
any "outside" device. It is also possible to connect two pins from the
same device. Simply connect rx to tx on a avr core and you can talk to
yourself. Maybe another good testcase...

Look at my last testcase committed today. You can see how to connect a
pin to drive OpenDrain, use a pull up and read back from another pin. I
think this is very usefull!

If you need further information on tcl and gui items I can give you some
advice offline if this is ok for you. But this is not related to this
actual mail thread. :-)


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