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Re: [RP] Re: ratmenu feature requests (really well thought over)

From: Jonathan Walther
Subject: Re: [RP] Re: ratmenu feature requests (really well thought over)
Date: Fri Oct 18 09:59:04 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 05:42:58PM +0100, Rupert wrote:
For example,
ratmenu -defaultitem 2 menu1 cmd1 menu2 cmd2 menu3 cmd3

I'll be doing it slightly differently;
 ratmenu menu1 cmd1 -default menu2 cmd3 menu3 cmd3

The last "-default" encountered will take precedence; any previous ones
will be silently ignored.


is a good replacement for the ratpoison command "windows" as it invokes
ratmenu with the current window selected as the default.

This is the shell script I use to replace the "windows" command.  Try it
out and report back.  This script also has the current window seleted as
the default :)

#!/usr/bin/env bash

( printf "ratmenu -style dreary -fg grey -bg blue";
 ratpoison -c "windows %l %n %t" | sort -nr | while read w x z; do
   a=$(printf "%3q" $x); b="ratpoison -c \"select $x\"";
   printf " %q\\ %q %q"  "$a" "$z" "$b";
 done; echo \; ) | sh

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