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[RP] Re: ratmenu feature requests (really well thought over)

From: Jonathan Walther
Subject: [RP] Re: ratmenu feature requests (really well thought over)
Date: Fri Oct 18 09:13:04 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

On Fri, Oct 18, 2002 at 03:52:28PM +0200, Bj?rn Lindstr?m wrote:
A friend of mine came up with the following two suggestions for
new features in ratmenu. I think they both qualify as
"non-bloat", and should be considered.

a) The possibillity to make some other alternative than the first
in the list the default alternative. Possibly by putting an
argument before the preferred default alternative.

Thanks Bjorn. I can see how to implement that one; I'll add it in.

b) The option of making ratmenu die as soon at it looses focus.

I did this because sometimes a window will "pop up" over top of the
menu, and it's nice to be able to "go back" to the menu.

How can a program RELIABLY detect when it's window is no longer on top?
Purely reacting to mapping events is easy; is there a coresponding unmap
event that acts the same way so I don't have to poll every second?


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