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Re: [RP] One command to unbind them all?

From: Simon White
Subject: Re: [RP] One command to unbind them all?
Date: Fri Oct 18 01:37:01 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.27i

17-Oct-02 at 21:38, Jonathan Walther (address@hidden) wrote :
> Similarly, the window list gets dumped to stdout; that motivated me to
> develope ratmenu, and a little shell script to create a menu that can
> switch between windows.  Thats why noone has bothered to add in a patch
> so that the default window list would wrap onto the next line if the
> text overflowed; because the proper place for that sort of formatting
> and pretty-printing is outside ratpoison, where we've already solved the
> problems with third party apps.

Where can I get ratmenu and that script?

[Simon White. vim/mutt. address@hidden GIMPS:31.84% see www.mersenne.org]
The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I haven't
figured out how to light the middle yet.
[Linux user #170823 http://counter.li.org. Home cooked signature rotator.]

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