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[RP] [PATCH] virtual screens using frame set trees

From: Dan Aloni
Subject: [RP] [PATCH] virtual screens using frame set trees
Date: Tue Oct 15 15:53:02 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

This patch allows a ratpoison user to manage different sets of 
frame configurations, thus adding a virtual-screen type of
functionality. The semantics are:

 * A frame set is defined as a the frames that compose one
   screen, specifing all there is about these frames: size,
   mapped windows, etc.
 * When ratpoison boots up, there's only one frame set. 
 * ratpoison maintains a navigatable (and namespaced) tree
   of frame sets.
 * To create a new frame set, one runs 'push_frameset', and 
   ratpoison does something familiar to fork(): it copies 
   the current frameset and sets the copy as a leaf in a 
   tree for the current frame set.  
 * Any changes on the child frame sets does not affect
   the parent frame sets.
 * Switching between frame sets is like switching between
   virtual desktops (in other window managers)
 * A window can appear in more than one frame set.
 * You can name a frame set, like naming a window.
 * When switching to a frame set, its path is shown in 
   a message. The path is a :-seperated list of frame set
   names, such as :root:foo:bar.
 * push_frameset - create a new frames et from the current
   one, set as a leaf and switch to it.
 * pop_frameset - destroy the current frame along with its
   children and switch to its father.
 * down_frameset - switch to a child frameset. 
 * up_frameset - switch to the parent frameset. 
 * next_frameset - switch to a next sibling frameset. 
 * prev_frameset - switch to a prevoous sibling frameset. 
 * name_frameset - set the name of the current frameset
 * select_frameset - switch to a frame set
Available at: http://karrde.gorfajn.com:8000/ratpoison/
Dan Aloni

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