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Re: [Protux-devel] protux 0.17.8 is out

From: booker
Subject: Re: [Protux-devel] protux 0.17.8 is out
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 22:53:00 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.5

Am Montag, 16. Juni 2003 05:38 schrieb Luciano Giordana:
> Magic Zoom key now performs vertical zoom
> use the same [Z]LRUD action that you use to perform horizontal zoom.

I checked it out and it is pretty cool!
But maybe you should change the logic for horizontal zoom?

I mean, right now when moving the mouse below (vertical zoom) the track height 
will be enlarged in the same direction and vice versa when moving upwards.
But for horizontal zoom it is a reversed logic ... this means when moving the 
mouse to right the clip edges move to left ... so maybe it is better to 
change this behaviour? 

Ooops, right now another problem comes up .... the "Runaway catcher" app I use 
opened a pop-up window during performing  [Z]LRUD action, so from this moment 
on I can use magic zoom without holding the Z button down! 
Uuuh, nasty bug ;-)

Also, AFAIR the pan/gain adjustments should be stored (TPA) when closing 
protux, right?
But it don't work here.


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