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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] How to solve the radio control delay ?

From: Christophe De Wagter
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] How to solve the radio control delay ?
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 20:30:07 +0200

Dear Prof. Dr. Ing. Warmers,

Paparazzi does NOT filter RC unless you specifically ASK for it: e.g. the mode channel of PPM receivers that was often averaged over 10 frames but on modern digital receivers this is not needed anymore: see e.g.: where all averages are set to 0. This "average" value is indeed very important and should be understood before changing or you might add delays.

I analyzed delays not so long ago and the total delay between your RC-receiver to a motor command is never more than 1/46 + 1/512 + 1/400 in the very very worst case and on average half that value: total delay = less than 26 millisecond which is just the rate of normal digital RC gear.

Dear Eltonwu,

This can be a tuning problem (like low-p / high-d gain), but there is also a reference model which slows down the quadrotor (and makes all quadrotors fly the same way). If this reference model is set slowly (e.g. low angular accelerations) this is very visible during the flight. You should either select a reference model that fits your size multicopter or bypass the reference model altogether. 


On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 5:44 PM, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinrich Warmers <address@hidden> wrote:
there is a filter for the RC stick signal.
I am very angry about this filter since it is not possible to shut of the motors by RC signal direct.
It is a dangers feature of paparazzi.
I think we need a option  to bypass any filter of the RC signals.
The filter should  bee the total aircraft.
If one or two impulses are wrong nothing dangerous occurs since every impulse is send 50 times per second.


Eltonwu schrieb:

   I use the ATT_RC mode to fly the rotorcraft. I found the radio control
has a little delay when control the craft's attitude.For example,when I push
the stick up,the craft changes it's attitude after about 200ms.When I
release the stick,the craft recover horizontality after about 200ms.
   Does anyone know how to solve this problem or encounter this problem? Is
it a PID tuning problem?

   Thanks in advance.

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