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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Drotek imu calibration problem

From: Chris
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] Drotek imu calibration problem
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 00:51:34 +0300
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It is ok now.
I made a subsystem for the drotek 10dof v2 imu with the magnetometer also operational not as a separate module. The module method was not working because the HMC5883L is connected to the internal mpu6050 i2c bus on the Drotek imu v2. I also made the MPU6050 read the magnetometer it self and load the mag data to its registers but sometimes it freezes so it needs some more work. Right now i bypass the internal I2C bus (via mpu6050 configuration) and connect the mag to the main I2C bus.

On 04/09/2013 07:00 PM, address@hidden wrote:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

i have a IMU similar to aspirin (mpu6050 + adxl345 + hmc58xx + ms5611) running 
on v4.2 .
2 months ago i tested the same IMU on master and it worked fine.

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