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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] BOOZ2_A1 and JBSim compile problem (incompatible l

From: Dirk Dokter
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] BOOZ2_A1 and JBSim compile problem (incompatible
Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2011 16:55:00 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100806 Fedora/3.1.2-1.fc13 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.2

Your PAPARAZZI_HOME env variable is not set. Just go to you paparazzi directory, and run

export PAPARAZZI_HOME=`pwd`

On 11/24/2011 04:55 PM, Eduard Iten wrote:
Thanks, that was it! I will write a note in the Wiki. I have no
compile errors any more, but now (sorry for spamming you):
Broadcasting on network, port 2010

      JSBSim Flight Dynamics Model v1.0 Nov 24 2011 16:42:25
             [JSBSim-ML v2.0]

JSBSim startup beginning ...

Could not open file: (null)/conf/simulator/jsbsim/aircraft/BOOZ2_A1.xml
   JSBSim failed to open the configuration file:

Am 24.11.2011 15:5.4, schrieb Dirk Dokter:
GetPQRDot() was removed from jsbsim some time ago. If i recall
correctly (i am not at my computer now, i can verify it for you
later), the version from 15-7-2011 is working fine. You can pull it
from cvs using the -D flag to specify the date.
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