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Re: [Paparazzi-devel] AP_MODE_FAILSAFE

From: Gautier Hattenberger
Subject: Re: [Paparazzi-devel] AP_MODE_FAILSAFE
Date: Wed, 09 Nov 2011 10:25:15 +0100
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I already had this problem and it should be fixed in the current master code. It was an issue of the state machine that controls start and stop with the RC. It used to override the nav kill/resurrect commands.
See commit 3113ebea5a3e7afb8301d5ff87f781f77eb9c6ee on Sep 8, 2011.


On 08/11/2011 16:25, Eric BAHIER wrote:
Hi Felix, hi Gautier,

I have make some test in the lab (the garden with lot of tree)

If the RC is active(NAV mode), the resurect et "ground detect..." don't run
with resurect the motor start et turnoff imediatly.
I need to start the motor and cut them with the YAW stick.

If the radiocommand transmitter is POWEROFF, the resurct run correctly, and the "ground detect" run correctly in flare loop

Is it possible to continue full test with the transmitter active.... some time it is nice to save repair-time.

thank your help,


Le 08/11/2011 15:02, Felix Ruess a écrit :
Hi Eric,

as Gautier wrote already, in the exception you need to deroute to a
block where the throttle is actually turned off:

<block name="Holding point">
<call fun="NavKillThrottle()"/>
<attitude pitch="0" roll="0" throttle="0" vmode="throttle" until="FALSE"/>
<block name="flare">
<exception cond="NavDetectGround()" deroute="Holding point"/>
<call fun="NavStartDetectGround()"/>
<stay climb="-0.8" vmode="climb" wp="TD"/>

Let me try to explain:
<call fun="NavStartDetectGround()"/>  tells the ap to start trying to
detect the ground. This function is called when you enter the flare

<exception cond="NavDetectGround()" deroute="Holding point"/>  This
exception is valid within this block, so as soon as the condition
NavDetectGround() is true (meaning ground has been detected) the
action "deroute" with the target "Holding point" is executed.

So you then automatically end up in<block name="Holding point">  where
<call fun="NavKillThrottle()"/>  the throttle is killed.

Please have a closer look at if this is unclear.

Cheers, Felix

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Eric BAHIER<address@hidden> wrote:
my "flare" block is almost the same(no WP, but Home, I have reduced the
climb to -0.3 with succes!!, the<call fun="NavStartDetectGround()"/> as
no effect.
The "Holding point" block  is the same...

during the end fly, I have (GCS) send messege quad approching.... ans still
active upto I switch of the booz...

Many thanks,


Le 08/11/2011 14:11, Gautier Hattenberger a écrit :

Something like these blocks in your flight plan and the
FAILSAFE_GROUND_DETECT in your airframe file should be enough:

<block name="Holding point">
<call fun="NavKillThrottle()"/>
<attitude pitch="0" roll="0" throttle="0" vmode="throttle"
<block name="flare">
<exception cond="NavDetectGround()" deroute="Holding point"/>
<call fun="NavStartDetectGround()"/>
<stay climb="-0.8" vmode="climb" wp="TD"/>

Change the climb rate if you want to go down faster.


On 08/11/2011 14:06, Eric BAHIER wrote:


Thank for your answersss,

I have tried so growup the PGAIN, I will continue to ++ PGAIN, en try to fly
probably this afternoon ends,

before rewrtting any code, I try to use the debug-tested-one... I have some week of work before take time to go in the code, I will look the controls loops 2011 end2012 begin... Before try to build anythings I will be to you.

for the ground detection.... I have try to setup-it in the flare loop, I have a very slow down fly with my parameters....for the ground dection my
setup is bad, do you have some syntax information???



Le 08/11/2011 13:49, Gautier Hattenberger a écrit :


You can't really control the ground speed with the current control loops. If you want it to fly faster, you need to increase the PGAIN, but if it gets to
high, you may have some oscillations at hover.
I've tried some other solutions to integrate the flight speed in the control loops, without good results yet. If you want to try some new control laws,
you're welcome !
For your ground detection issue, does your flight plan activate the
detection during the flare like in rotorcraft_basic.xml ?


On 07/11/2011 18:14, Eric BAHIER wrote:


I am back from the field, today no water, nowind....This month in south of
france it is an GOOD day!

I ha have move the quad to NAV :

takeof with the mouse
up to 5more meter with mouse,
mow down 5meters with the mouse,
flare nice with slow down fly upto ground.

The circuit from home, P1,P2,home... is almost clean.

Why almost? , The quad move to P1 and it stay at 1 or 2 meters to P1, and try too gently to find it, if I move(with mouse) P1 on the quad, it fly to
P2......the same in P2
The translation is very slow...

After the travel fly, a automatique flare... about 1 meter error from the
takeoof point (les than the GPS precision)

Please is it possible to manage more agressive fly to point, or to manage
the "size of the point", to define 1,2,3 meters error to accepte it?

Where is it possible to setup a higger flyspeed when the quad move to way

Next days, higger wind...  could be better for test.... or crash....

Best regards,


Le 02/11/2011 17:53, Eric BAHIER a écrit :


I will move to NAV, and I'll define only one stand-by point.... In this case
th AP_MODE_Failsafe will be applicable, and efficient..


Le 02/11/2011 17:45, Gautier Hattenberger a écrit :


There is no "almost" nav mode. Being in nav mode means that you are using the flight plans instructions to fly. If you really want to only hover while being in this mode, you can just make a flight plan that waits for the gps
and then saty at a given waypoint.
Also the horizontal control loops in hover and nav mode are slightly
different, so if you tune in hover, your flight in nav may not be as good. So if your goal is to flight in nav mode, trim it in this mode. If you want
to fly manually and hover from time to time, trim using hover mode.


On 02/11/2011 16:53, Eric BAHIER wrote:

hi felix,

In my understand, the failsafe mode began active when we lost GPS or lost
Radio, in NAV-MODE

I read it on
your link :

This is a failsafe mode that gets triggered if:

RC signal is lost (and you are not in KILL or NAV mode)
GPS and RC is lost in NAV mode

I can accept, AP_MODE_HOVER_DIRECT and AP_MODE_HOVER_Z_HOLD are not realy
in NAV mode, but "almost nav mode".

For my test I want first to have AP_MODE_HOVER_Z_HOLD full opperational up to ????xx km/h wind, and move to NAV when the stationair(GPS) fly is done. how to, to triggered the AP_MODE_FAILSAFE , for my understand, this setup is
indépendant from manual/auto1/auto2....I missuterstand?



The autopilot will level the rotorcraft out (setpoints to zero pitch and
roll angles) and descend at 0.5m/s downwards.

Le 02/11/2011 14:29, Eric BAHIER a écrit :


I woulds like to use  "AP_MODE_FAILSAFE ".

Currently I use :

<section name="MODE">
<define name="MANUAL" value="AP_MODE_ATTITUDE_DIRECT" />
<define name="AUTO1" value="AP_MODE_HOVER_DIRECT" />
<define name="AUTO2" value="AP_MODE_HOVER_Z_HOLD" />

I would like to have "AP_MODE_FAILSAFE" active in HOVERs mode,   is it

I probably lost the GPS some time in HOVER.... and the quad go away...where
it can....  If is stay and land it could be nice for debuging.

Where, how to... I will proced to use "AP_MODE_FAILSAFE"....



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