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Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion

From: Steven Winikoff
Subject: Re: mhfixmsg character set conversion
Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2022 22:12:17 -0500

>I am wondering ... do you maybe have some old configuration in mhn.defaults
>or your .mh_profile that does some iso8859-1 to UTF-8 conversion?

Good question!

The easiest way to answer it for .mh_profile was to empty it temporarily of
everything except

   Path: /home/smw/Mail

This made no difference.  As for mhn_defaults, I have both a personal
file in ~smw/Mail/mhn.defaults as well as the system-wide version in

The personal file contains only these entries:

   mhshow-show-application/pdf: %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-application:     %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-audio:           %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-video:           %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-image:           %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"
   mhshow-show-text/richtext:   %pmime_helper %F %s "%{name}"

...where mime_helper is a shell script which I'll be happy to share if
anyone's interested.  In any case these entries seem irrelevant to the
matter at hand, but please let me know if you disagree.

Meanwhile, I have these entries in the system-wide file:

   $ grep mhfixmsg /local/pkg/nmh/root-nmh-1.7.1/etc/mhn.defaults
   mhfixmsg-format-application/ics: mhical -infile %F
   mhfixmsg-format-text/calendar: mhical -infile %F
   mhfixmsg-format-text/html: charset="%{charset}"; /sbin/lynx -child -dump 
-force_html ${charset:+--assume_charset} ${charset:+"$charset"} %F | expand | 
sed -e 's/^   //' -e 's/  *$//'

I apologize for the length of that last line, but it's probably easier to
read as is than it would be if I tried to break it up.

In any case, this looks like it might be relevant, so I tried commenting it
out; when that also made no difference, I used a bigger hammer and emptied
out /local/pkg/nmh/root-nmh-1.7.1/etc/mhn.defaults completely, but even
that made no difference that I could detect.

     - Steven
Steven Winikoff      | "I knew 'Enterprise Computing Systems' were
Montreal, QC, Canada |  evil before I touched an actual computer
smw@smwonline.ca     |  for the first time, because I used to
http://smwonline.ca  |  watch Kirk and Spock fighting for control
                     |  of it."                  - Anthony de Boer

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