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Re: [Linphone-developers] Info SDK LinPhone

From: Phelan, Tom
Subject: Re: [Linphone-developers] Info SDK LinPhone
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2020 08:00:11 -0700

Hi Danilo,

I've recently been working on a multiplatform app using Xamarin Forms and the linphone-xamarin sdk. I've had some problems that are still unresolved. The version of linphone-xamarin that was originally available to me was based on a very old version of liblinphone, with some known bugs that were causing crashes for me. The Belledonne people upgraded linphone-xamarin to the latest liblinphone version a week or so ago, but I'm still having problems -- now with integrating into my project and building.

At any rate, I'm trying to resolve those problems now.

Tom P.

On Mon, Feb 17, 2020 at 4:38 AM Ing. Danilo Perfetti <address@hidden> wrote:
Good morning,
recently I've received a customer request, new to me, who would like to integrate VoIP technology in his mobile app (Android/iOS) for app-to-app calls. Perhaps even the ability to make desktop calls to app.

I'm trying to evaluate whether it is better to develop the code natively or whether to use an external multi platform library. 
While searching for external SDKs, I came across your site and I would like to know first of all the costs to be incurred to use your library.

Also I would have some questions to ask you:

I imagine that, as for the main apps that offer voice/video voip services for example telegram, regardless of the use of the native or external library, it will still be necessary to create a SIP account for each user, using the simplest method that usually provides:
1) entering the phone number;
2) entering of the telephone number confirmation code, received by SMS;
3) entering a name, nickname (optional);
Is it correct?

Using your external library, can this sequence of screens for account creation run via an intent and can they be customized?

Thanks for taking the time and see you soon,

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