Technical dicussions about linphone, liblinphone, mediastreamer2, ortp... Submit patches, report issues.
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The responses are provided by the community and, on a best effort basis, by some Belledonne Communications SARL engineers working on Linphone and its related projects.
The community means any people all around the world simply willing to participate to the discussions.
Belledonne Communications SARL disclaims any WARRANTY that the content posted on github issues or mailing lists is technically correct.
Responses from Belledonne Communications SARL engineers shall be considered as individual contributions and shall not be seen as Belledonne Communications's official point of view or commitment.
The mailing lists must be seen as a place for collaboration. Issues submitted and postings should be of general interest, in the goal of improving the software. Consider that a well documented issue (with precise reproduction procedure, logs, stacktrace if relevant, possibly corrective patch supplied) has a higher chance to receive interest and feedback from community members.
Postings and issues poorly documented, with no facts, or asking for debugging assistance for a custom app using Linphone's libraries, or for a modified version of Linphone are unlikely to receive any kind of response.
People using Linphone or its related projects within the scope of their company job are invited to contact Belledonne Communications [] in order to obtain commercial support.
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