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Re: colorful make output! yum!

From: Franciszek Boehlke
Subject: Re: colorful make output! yum!
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:34:29 +0200

Maybe I just missed some solution (possibly I don't know about some make capabilities in that area), but I don't think it's possible to be done without changing current rules.  It is because output is in many cases specific for these rules (e.g. contains name of used program).  I mean, now it prints something like "g++ compiling whatever" or "bison compiling something else", or "g++ linking lilypond", and deducting what should be printed from outside the rule would be rather tricky, and error-prone. I can change way of suppressing output to using special .SILENT rule, so that it wouldn't be necessary to add all that @s. But this way is less flexible, and demands maintaining list of rules, which have to be hidden.

I will try to find out, if there is a way to add a bit more generic output (like "Building target $@") without changing the rules. I would be painful trade-off for me, but would possible allow to make changes less invasive.

I think I can promise to support and maintain it.

By the way, current colors are quite random (I just took 7 subsequent colors for 7 types of output), it would be good to standarize them somehow. And maybe some rules deserve a bit more verbose output than just "Creating $@" - for some I wasn't sure, what they really does.

2013/8/15 Jan Nieuwenhuizen <address@hidden>
Franciszek Boehlke writes:

>     The result looks nice but if you want any chance of putting this in, it
>     should be rewritten as a make post-processor (IMHO of course), think
> I like the idea of making is make post-processor, but I don't think it's
> possible to do - and if not, it is much, much harder way.

There is possibly another option; if you make it fully pluggable,
i.e., not require any changes to the current make rules but only
need an include in your .local.make

    # local.make
    include make/colorful.make

that would help.  When something is broken, it's very easy to remove
it again.

The thing is, someone needs to support this.  If the world changes this
needs updates.  We'll get bug reports.  If you promise to support and
maintain it, that also helps.

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <address@hidden> | GNU LilyPond
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