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Re: Issue 37 - new work

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Issue 37 - new work
Date: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 10:37:49 -0500

On Jan 29, 2011, at 10:10 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 11:55 AM, address@hidden
<address@hidden> wrote:
Despite the joke, this is a semi-serious suggestion that I've been
hoping that somebody might be interested in for years.  There's a
bunch of options that we can enable or disable to change the
amount of processing power; it would be really nice if one (or
more) people seriously looked into this, and provided an easy way
to change between the "optimization" levels.

I completely agree.  I think that the beam collision engraver > (if it makes it into lilypond) is the prime example of
something that could be included or left out with
optimization flags.  There can even be multiple collision
engravers that perform the same task but provide different
levels of optimization.

In the case of the beam scoring specifically, I disagree: there are
many ways to search more cleverly in the problem space.

For beams specifically, how about this one:

choose large region size
calculate cheapest of the scoring functions for all configurations
put configurations in a min-heap

 while (true) {
  take minimum score configuration from heap
  if conf has passed all scoring functions
    break // found optimum
  add another scoring function to configuration // *
  insert result in heap

for the common cases, this will skip computations for many of the more
extreme cases. At //* , there is still some option of further
optimization by doing an intelligent choice between what to run next.

The same approach should work well for slurs as well.

If I find time one of these days (may be next week), I'll try to implement this.

Hey Hanwen,

What you describe above is close-ish to what I wound up putting in my newest patch, which only has one pass thru the quanting function.  It does all the quant scoring, then does one last pass to check for collisions.  This is done through allowing "negative" pressure, or an amount of leeway that a beam has to move in a direction before it will collide with something.


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