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Build Errors with Timeservice + Ubuntu 16.04

From: Dan Williams
Subject: Build Errors with Timeservice + Ubuntu 16.04
Date: Wed, 3 Jun 2020 15:11:32 -0400

Hey guys,

Does anybody have experience building gpsd with pps or timeservice enabled under Ubuntu?  ( are there perhaps any automated tests run on an Ubuntu machine, that I could compare against?)

I'm unable to build gpsd with timeservice enabled ("timeservice=yes").  The build step  `scons check` breaks, and I'd love to know what dependencies to add / rm / fix.

I've searched both this email list, and the ubuntu forums -- no one else seems to be having this particular problem,  it's quite odd.   In the interest of not flooding the list,
let me know if other, further logs would be useful, and I'm happy to add them.

== Symptoms: ==
1. 'scons check' fails (see attached file: scon-check-fail.txt)
2. gpsd doesn't update the shm segments (according to either 'ipcs -mt' or 'ntpshmmon')
3. 'cgps' and 'gpspipe' work as expected, while 'gpsmon' throws permission errors,

== Goal: ==
We want an accurate time sync on a data collection machine, so we'd like to install gpsd + chrony on our field machines.  
When properly configured NMEA + PPS should give us millisecond timing, in order to

== Current Machine Setup: ==
1. We've verified NMEA inputs with 'gpspipe -r' -- we have valid GPRMC, GPZDA, and GPGLL sentences
2. We've verified PPS inputs with 'ppscheck'
3. Ubuntu Versions:  16.04, 20.04
4. GPSD Versions(i.e. tags from git): release-3.19, release-3.20, master
5. Python Versions: 2.7.12, 2.7.17, 3.5.2

== Steps to Reproduce: ==
1. Start with any Ubuntu OS
2. Download gpsd from source / git
3. checkout latest stable release (assumed to be 3.20)
4. build with 'timeservice=yes`*

- Daniel Williams

* I also need to include the '--config=force' flag, or else I encounter an link error for pthreads.   I hope this is unrelated.

Daniel Williams  |  Software Engineer

Attachment: scons-check-fail.txt
Description: Text document

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