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[glob2-devel] Campaign Story

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: [glob2-devel] Campaign Story
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 23:13:47 -0700

After I'm done with Echo, I'm making plans to do a new campaign for
the next release. However, to do this, I'm gonna need a storyline to
follow. There isn't much in the wiki about this, so I decided to get
everyone on the mailing list to pitch in a few ideas. As well, If we
want a "serious" campaign system, we should modify the Campaign screen
to keep you from accessing maps you haven't yet unlocked. The Campaign
screen should also show your progress, it should look less like a Map
Selection screen and more like a Campaign screen from traditional
Strategy games.

As well, my new Echo AI system provides a convienient way to make
customized AI's for each campaign. This would be better done if we
embedded a scripting language into glob2.

Also, it may be better to have the tutorial lead into the campaign, in
which Mission 1 could be easily substituted for the tutorial. Also,
the player should be able to choose his name and globule color/

Well, heres my campaign idea, following up from my "Glob2 Background
Story" on

Mission 1) Your a newly devided hive with a name as your choosing.
Your on a small, lifeless Island, being mercilessly hunted by a much
larger hive within the vacinity. For some reason, however, they have
stopped for a day. This is your time to retaliate!
   --Easy, no upgrades, enemy attacks with level 1 warriors every so often

Mission 2) Having succesfully secured your land, you've stopped
getting massacred, for now. So you decide to expand your regions,
attempting to take control of another area. The devilish red globules
are at front!
   --Easy, no upgrades, enemy keeps warriors at entrance to base,
retaliates after attacks

Mission 3) Your globule empire is expanding! You've decided to take a
different approach to eliminating the next target. Their units are
very strong, you are no match for them. So, instead, you decide to
convert them to your own team, instead of killing them!
  --Easy, no upgrades, enemy doesn't collect fruit and doesn't
attack, units can't be killed, only convertted

Mission 4) You are suddenly threatened by the red globules!
Apparrently, the settlement you had destroyed was only part of their
overall empire, and now they are angry at you! Your now allowed to
upgrade buildings.
   --Medium, no level 3 upgrades, same map as Mission 1, enemy often
attacks with level 2 warriors, enemy is well established

Mission 5) Having thwarted off the red globules once again, you decide
to destroy their empire once and for all! You plan to hit them where
it hurts!
 --Medium, no level 3 upgrades, enemy defends, enemy is well
established, enemy attacks periodically with large, low-level armies

Mission 6) Your well on your way to becoming a world super power.
Having conquered the vicous red empire, you've sent a powerfull
message to other hives. So, once again, your moving into a new area.
However, the local globules seemed to have allied against you!
 --Medium, no level 3 upgrades, enemies allied, large map, enemies
often attack at the same time.

Mission 7) Your dominance is almost unmatched. Enemies are begginning
to become warry of you. During your expansion, you encountered an odd
sort of enemy, and while trying to capture it, your warriors all
converted! This enemy will be no piece of cake to crack
  ---Hard, all upgrades allowed, enemy has superior fruits and is
well established, enemy never attacks, enemy defends with many

Mission 8) Getting over the challenges ahead won't be easy. Alas, you
are once again threatened at your core! This time, the enemy has come
with large armies and wants you DEAD!
  --Hard, all upgrades allowed, enemy has superior fruits and is well
established, enemy attacks often

Mission 9) You are confronted by a group of rebels. They demand your
immeddiatte stop of any sort of conquering action. You send them off,
but to your surprise, they where more than just a few!
  ---Very hard, all upgrades allowed, several enemies, enemies
attempt to take over land, enemies grow quickly and attack often, you
are well established

I know allot of what my campaign tries to do is allot of work, which
is why, should I try to make it, I'll need the cooperation of nct to
help me to a couple of things (such as units can't be killed, only
convertted), which I wouldn't know how to do otherwise.

We really have to get everyone together for this next release, fix all
the bugs, instead of letting glob2 get old and dusty with few

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