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Re: [Tlf-devel] TLF & RTTY

From: Ed
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] TLF & RTTY
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 07:24:45 -0500
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On 01/03/2014 11:36 PM, FS wrote:
Ed, this has been fixed. Use a actual version.

73 Fred
Am 03.01.2014 20:55, schrieb Ed:
Will be unuseable. It is not good operating practice to send 6 to 8
linefeeds for one sent macro. Other ops will need to chase you on the
screen, if you already have not scrolled off.

This is from the changelog::

Bug fixes:
- exchange needed at least 1 character in dxped mode

RTTY miniterm changed to display line feeds (reading formatted texst
is easier)
RTTY now sends linefeeds before and after the macro.

Wish I knew where and how many.


I was merely trying to point out when and where Rein made the change. The RX linefeed is correct. Its the TX that is the problem. When a macro is sent it is adding 6 to 8 linefeeds. Hopefully someone here on the list will test this to see what I mean.

And yes, I'm using the latest version from githib, as well as the latest version of fldigi.


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