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Re: [screen-devel] screen maintainer?

From: Micah Cowan
Subject: Re: [screen-devel] screen maintainer?
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2008 13:10:59 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080421)

Hash: SHA1

David Douthitt wrote:
> Micah Cowan wrote:
> I would think that one of the first things that needs to be done is a
> code freeze in order to work on bugs only.  Some features may also need
> to be pushed to 4.1.1 or 4.2.0.

I'm not sure if I want an absolute feature freeze just yet: there are a
couple small new-feature patches I would love to have in before the next
release: in particular, there's a couple of patches for better vi-style
commands for copy mode, such as N for a reversed search, and FfTt;, for
"jump-to-character". It's jarring to have a _nearly_ vi-like copy-mode,
only to be dumped unceremoniously out of copy mode whenever I try to use
these (for me) very frequently-used vi commands.

The 4.1.0 list also includes two other Feature Request items that seem
appropriate: one is the addition of a "layout remove" command (or
somesuch) to remove a previously defined layout. That seems important.

The other is, which appears to
address a common complaint, that screen doesn't keep the alternate
screen buffer around after switching back. It's probably not crucial
that it be done before the next release, but it'd be nice, and the patch
is already written and apparently approved (with the small caveat that
it'd go better as an option than a new command).

Other than those, though, I agree that there should be no feature
additions, so we can focus on bugs.

As to targetting to 4.1.1 or 4.2.0, I figured it'd be easier to decide
what might go into such things once we're closer to 4.1.0.

- --
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer,
and GNU Wget Project Maintainer.
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