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Re: [RULE] Xircom NIC: xirc2ps_cs.o doesn't load.

From: Michael Fratoni
Subject: Re: [RULE] Xircom NIC: xirc2ps_cs.o doesn't load.
Date: Thu, 27 May 2004 06:35:08 -0400
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3

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On Sunday 23 May 2004 04:49 pm, Martin Stricker wrote:
> address@hidden wrote:
> > Is there anything I can do to help?  It was suggested that I help by
> > trying slinky with FC2... but since that won't be possible -- how can
> > I help to make it happen?

Just so everyone knows I haven't abandoned you all...
Soccer season ends in a few weeks, I'll get a little of my free time back
then. Currently, I have games Saturday, Sunday, and practices 3 nights a
week on top of, well, everything else....

> As I said before, two things need to be done. They can be done
> individually, if necessary.
> - Create a package list for FC2: Take a look on the existing package
>   lists for the RHL distros and make an update. It's neccessary to
>   test if the new list will install without (important) dependency
>   failures. Please provide some documentation of the procedure!

The package list isn't all that difficult, really.

> - Update rpm on the slinky install floppy. This may be a bit tricky,
>   you'll have to closely look at Michael's creation scripts and try if
>   it works. If you are successful, please let us know, and please
>   provide some documentation of the procedure!

Slightly more difficult. The older rpm is statically linked, and fairly
small. The newer versions of rpm, I haven't been able to build a
statically linked binary. There just isn't room on the image for the
binary and the libraries required by the newer versions of RPM. If anyone
has time to look into building a statically linked binary of a current
version of rpm, by all means, have at it. If someone gets it built, I'll
find a way to squeeze it into the disk image.

- --
- -Michael

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