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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] porting to proposal-branch

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] porting to proposal-branch
Date: Sun, 16 Nov 2003 08:23:21 -0800
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Sigurd Nes wrote:

1)  Is the directory structure altered (./inc, ./template <->./skins) ?

Correct, there is no more ./inc dir because basicly that would be the only place files would go anways, so I cut down the extra unneeded dir.
Yes template was renamed skin to follow the more accepted standard name.

2.a) is the format of the setup-files (permanently) altered to xml ?

Yep. We have a solution for the occasional need to execute PHP code to handle some data migrations and such.

2.b) Will there be a tool for converting the old setupfiles to the new format?

Possibly, I havent looked at the issue yet.

It would be very very nice if the app 'notes' could be ported to the proposal-branch as an example.

Jengo is already geared up to start porting notes in the next few days.


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