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Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] iDots Template (was: DotGNU 0.1 CD-ROM ava

From: Dan Kuykendall
Subject: Re: [Phpgroupware-developers] iDots Template (was: DotGNU 0.1 CD-ROM available from
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2003 08:12:29 -0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030901 Thunderbird/0.2

Lars Kneschke wrote:

But, dave is one your project leaders. The one who is speaking loudest. And
no one  is stoping him, from saying crap about us. As he is a project leader
and no other leader is saying something different i must  adopt that this is
the offical position of the whole project. Thats the difference, if you talk
as project leader or "just" as coder. And you and dave were both at the
channel this evenning.

It is your mistake if you take it as him speaking for the project on this issue. The project CT has not had some vote or anything concerning how we should behave with egroupware.

I have a great deal of respect for Dave and the work he does, but if you want to all of a sudden that he and I always speak with one voice, then I would like to remind you of how the CT came about. Dave an I were bitter rivals/enemys earlier this year and things got very heated.

Since then we have made amends and we generally work well together, but we still do not speak with one voice on all issues, and Im glad for it.

I dont take things you say as "speaking for all of egroupware" and Reiner even said you are not his god, or something like that. Same goes for us. Dave can speak his own mind and I will support his right to do so. If you have an issue with him, do not take it out on all of phpGW.


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