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Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Problems with AUTHENTICATED_USER

From: Juan David Ibáñez Palomar
Subject: Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Problems with AUTHENTICATED_USER
Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 15:33:03 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020214

It works here, with both Locazlier 0.8 and Localizer from the CVS.

The only thing I can imagine is that you're using virtual hosting and
that the server url is different.

For example, if Zope is listening in 9673 and you have virtual hosting
you could access your web site from two urls, for example:

http://localhost:9673/ (1) (2)

Of course, you can be authenticated in (1) but not in (2), then you could
get the behaviour you describe. Perhaps there's a mess with the urls.

I can't fix it if I can't reproduce it, suposing it's a Localizer problem.

Garikoitz Araolaza wrote:

At 11:58 21/02/02, you wrote:

I tried it yesterday, with Zope 2.5.0 and Localizer from the CVS, it worked.

The test I did was, a DTML method in the root with the line:

<dtml-var "AUTHENTICATED_USER.getRoles()">

It returned the same thing: ('Manager', 'Authenticated'), from the root and
when used from a Localizer web site.

Which version of Zope do you use? Please try with Localzer 0.8.0

Have you tried going directly to the Localizer website, after logging-out or restarting the browser? I know that if you call this method in your root folder for example, your data is set right. But if you only visit the Localizer website... it doesn't...

I mean, having this contents tree:

Folder1 (regular Folder)
Folder2 (Localized content folder)

Visiting these URLS in this order:

Step 1: /Folder2/ ---> I get Anonymous
Step 2: /Folder2/manage ---> (I log in, but can't see the roles...)
Step 3: /Folder2/ ----> I get Anonymous (even if I reload the page)
Step 4: /Folder1/ ----> I get Manager, Authenticated.
Step 5: /Folder2/ ----> I get Manager, Authenticated.

So, in step 3, after logging in in step 2, I should already be authenticated, but I still get Anonymous... If you visit an URL out of the Localized folder, everything works OK. But we are trying to set a users login system, but the users don't get the right roles with Localizer...

I'm with Zope 2.5 and Localizer 0.8 .

Thanks for helping.


Garikoitz Araolaza

Azitaingo Industrialdea
Tel: +34 943 82 06 06

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