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Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Problems with AUTHENTICATED_USER

From: Garikoitz Araolaza
Subject: Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Problems with AUTHENTICATED_USER
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2002 19:32:31 +0100

At 11:58 21/02/02, you wrote:
I tried it yesterday, with Zope 2.5.0 and Localizer from the CVS, it worked.

The test I did was, a DTML method in the root with the line:

<dtml-var "AUTHENTICATED_USER.getRoles()">

It returned the same thing: ('Manager', 'Authenticated'), from the root and
when used from a Localizer web site.

Which version of Zope do you use? Please try with Localzer 0.8.0

Have you tried going directly to the Localizer website, after logging-out or restarting the browser? I know that if you call this method in your root folder for example, your data is set right. But if you only visit the Localizer website... it doesn't...

I mean, having this contents tree:

    Folder1 (regular Folder)
    Folder2 (Localized content folder)

Visiting these URLS in this order:

Step 1:  /Folder2/   --->  I get Anonymous
Step 2:  /Folder2/manage   --->  (I log in, but can't see the roles...)
Step 3:  /Folder2/   ---->  I get Anonymous (even if I reload the page)
Step 4:  /Folder1/   ---->  I get Manager, Authenticated.
Step 5:  /Folder2/   ---->  I get Manager, Authenticated.

So, in step 3, after logging in in step 2, I should already be authenticated, but I still get Anonymous... If you visit an URL out of the Localized folder, everything works OK. But we are trying to set a users login system, but the users don't get the right roles with Localizer...

I'm with Zope 2.5 and Localizer 0.8 .

Thanks for helping.


Garikoitz Araolaza

Azitaingo Industrialdea
Tel: +34 943 82 06 06

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