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Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Problems with AUTHENTICATED_USER

From: Juan David Ibáñez Palomar
Subject: Re: [Nuxeo-localizer] Problems with AUTHENTICATED_USER
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 2002 16:34:47 +0100
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Garikoitz Araolaza wrote:

At 13:24 20/02/02, you wrote:

First time I hear about this, and don't have any idea why it happens,
"Localized folders" shouldn't do that, but I can't be sure..

I forgot to say that I'm not updated with Localizer, but somewhere in 0.7.x
Could it affect?

Probably not, but I can't be sure.

Does it happen in all the Localizer based web sites you have??

A friend of mine reported it to me and asked if I had a solution. I tested in my local server and I got the bad results... So... I haven't tested in different sites, but a friend of mine had the problem and I've got it too.


By the way, is somebody else, besides Code&Syntax, using the "Localizer"
class of the "Localizer" product??

So... I'm thinking about... What do I need it for? Only for locale folders?

If I understand right, I need a Localizer instance only for:

- changeLanguageForm (which I don't usually need because I have customized change Language forms...)

No since Localizer 0.8.0

Now this feature is also accesible from all the meta types (LocalContent and
MessageCatalog too).

- Locale folders (Only for localized images, or data creating methods...)


So, if I only use message catalogs and LocalContent objects, I don't need a Localizer object in my site.

Am I right? or do I need the Localizer class for language negotiation? (I'm adding a Localizer object in all the multilingual sites I build...)

Yes, you're _almost_ right, read below..

Now I'll briefly explain the history of Localizer, where we're and where we're
moving, just to understand better why things are like they're.

Sometime ago, I think it was at the end of 2000, Bjorn Stabell sent a message to a mailing list (zope-dev I think) explaining some ideas related to i18n. I sent
him a private email and we explored different alternatives for a while, the
result of these discussions was a tutorial that is still available in

Few months later I released a product named Localizer which implemented
what this HowTo explains. It also provided a message catalog which was the
inherit of the product Translator (that I developed with Federico Di Gregorio
a while ago). This was the version 0.1

Few things changed in this front until version 0.7, when I dicided to split the message catalog from the Localizer class. This move finished with the version

So now Localizer only provides two special things:

1. the "locale folders", which are a way to manage arbitrary multiligual content,
logic and presentation. This is tricky because it manipulates the url.

2. the possibility to specify the language in the url like "mysite/<language>/path"

Now I'm resolved to remove 1, because it's too much tricky and because I think I found a better replacement for this feature (explained in a previous email).

However, the Localizer class will still be alive, I'll do other changes and the
Localizer class will be used for language negotiation only. Will provide the
possibility to change the language negotiation policy in your web site, for

The move will start with 0.8.1 and finish with 0.9.0. There'll be a path to upgrade
and I'll help anybody in this task.

I hope to find two or three days next week to have something "stable" in the CVS,
so people can test and begin the upgrade if you want.

I'm sorry I can't do anything else now, I don't have time...

J. David Ib??ez,
Python programmer (

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