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Re: [Nmh-workers] cannot get envelop sender address correct

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] cannot get envelop sender address correct
Date: Tue, 06 May 2008 10:58:19 -0400

> >There certainly are plenty of ways for mortal users to
> >sidestep this prevention, of course.  But why should we
> >change the behavior of nmh when we don't need to?  It's easy
> >to change the default nmh configuration (to something that
> >many of us seem to use, anyway).
> I guess my points were twofold: a) I think this capability/limitation
> has almost no relevance in this day and age, and b) this
> capability/limitation seems to get in the way of what users want to do
> (that's what I'm hearing from some people).  Yes, users can solve the
> problem in another way ... but I don't view that as a compelling
> argument for not permitting this setting to be placed in someone's
> .mh_profile.  If someone wanted to change the default to allow a user
> to set draft_from from their .mh_profile and provide a
> --enable-anal-retentive-sysadmin configure option, hey, I think that
> would be great.

I suppose that I have a stronger inclination to maintain
existing behavior as much as possible.  Even if there's one
person out there who relies on that behavior, it's been
there for a long time and I see no compelling reason to
change it.  Especially when there's a simple alternative
that many of us already use.

Unless there's objection, I'll look into changing the default
configuration to enable masquerading.  (But not until next week,
at least.)


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