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Re: [lmi] Building libxml++

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: [lmi] Building libxml++
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2006 02:08:56 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

[replying to Evgeniy's email of 2006-09-29 00:08 UTC]
> It seems that make can't find a gcc compiler (if you look into
> aclocal.m4 file you'll see that with_gnu_ld=no when there is no gcc
> found and then the if on line 5435 sends the execution to the line
> 5655, then to the line 5803 for mingw and then it try to execute
> cygpath which is probably one of cygwin utilities).

'cygpath' is indeed a cygwin utility that translates between
posix and msw paths. IIRC, what it does is built into MSYS.

Thanks for figuring that out. I saw 'cygpath' and guessed at
first that we were attempting something that required cygwin. But
now it appears that
  ./libtool: cygpath: command not found
is libtool's way of saying it can't find the compiler, which
would be une drĂ´le de chose.

> Could you please try to check that you can run your gcc under (newly
> installed) mingw?

Probably we're trying to follow the advice in 'local_options.sh':

# [...] in order to avoid the problem described here:
#   http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=10579421
#   http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=10581810
# when multiple versions of MinGW gcc are installed.

which explains that puzzling errors may occur if one version of
MinGW gcc is installed in /mingw/ and we try to use another
version installed in a different directory. To avoid that problem,
we have adopted the custom of never installing anything to /mingw/,
and always using something like /MinGW-20050120/ instead.

Wendy--Guessing that such is your situation, I'd suggest you
first try
  $gcc -dumpversion
and if you get
  sh: gcc: command not found
then that confirms it--so try adding the compiler directory to your
MSYS $PATH, e.g.:
and make sure
  $gcc -dumpversion
returns something of the form '3.X.Y'; then try the original
instructions and see whether they work for you.

If that still doesn't work, then try Evgeniy's step-by-step
instructions below, which seem carefully designed to create
a duplicate installation that won't interfere with your
present MSYS and MinGW installations.

> I have not mentioned binutils-2.15.91-20040904-1 package that is also
> needed to compile libxml2. I'm sorry for that.

Evgeniy--I think we're generally using this later version:
and would assume that it's okay; but please let me know if
it you know that it is not.

Wendy--If you've gotten here and it's still not working, then
I'd suggest following Evgeniy's steps exactly, even though we
may normally otherwise use later versions of these tools.

> Could you please try to follow the instructions below (slightly modified)?
> create /etc/fstab:
> $ echo 'c:/my_msys_install/mingw  /mingw' > /etc/fstab

Let me quote this advice from 'msw_msys.make':

# If you modify MSYS's '/etc/fstab', end each line with '\n', and
# don't insert any '\r' or use any editor that will do that. Check
# your work carefully with 'od -t a /etc/fstab'.

...because we may be using an 'echo' that inserts '\r'.

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