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two bugs in ties

From: Heikki Johannes Junes
Subject: two bugs in ties
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 14:31:28 +0200 (EET)

There are two bugs in the following notations examples. The notation
below may not be standard (yet), but at least there an opportunity to
develope it.

I) <c4 g' e'>~<cis4 gis' e'>

 - slurs, for common notes only (?)
 - sharps (flats, etc.) missing
 - ties (for midi) in common notes, missing

II) <c4 g' e'>~<\context Voice = x {<cis4 gis'>} e'> 

 - slurs, ok
 - ties (for midi) in common notes, missing

Further analysis of the midi output showed that the ties were missing from
the _first_ chord only in a chord series like:

chordexamples = \notes \relative c' {
  <c4 g' e'>~<c g' e'>
  <c4 g' e'>~<cis4 gis' e'>
  <c4 g' e'>~<\context Voice = x {<cis4 gis'>} e'>
  <c e g>~<a cis e g bes>

\score {
  \context PianoStaff <
    \context Staff = upper <
      \clef treble
      \context Voice = i { \voiceOne \chordexamples }
  \paper {  }
  \midi { \tempo 4 = 120 }

As a conclusion of these examples there are only two bugs:
 1. midi ties should be included also if a chord starts a "\notes"-section
 2. accidentals (sharp, flats, etc.) should not be omitted

      Heikki Junes

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