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Re[2]: [Help-glpk] Solving a large LP problem

From: Andrew Makhorin
Subject: Re[2]: [Help-glpk] Solving a large LP problem
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 2004 21:43:03 +0400

>The last one I solved successfully had 1453 rows and 3200 cols before
>presolve in a MPS file. glpsol solved it like a snap.

Do you mean that glpsol failed on other lp instances of moderate size
(say, 2000 rows and 4000 cols)?

>I also have compiled the package from scratch with the latest source 
>code on an AIX box using gcc 3.3.3.
>Any other thing you want me to check?

Glpsol successfully solved big lp instances like yours (and even
bigger), so I think it is some stupid bug. Ideally I need to know a
point in glpsol.c where it crashes. You also can try `--nopresol'

How big your mps file if it is gzipped? Can you make it available for
downloading via ftp?

Andrew Makhorin

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