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Re: [H-source-users] Images on h-node

From: Luis A Guzman G
Subject: Re: [H-source-users] Images on h-node
Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 22:19:39 -0500

El dom, 31-07-2016 a las 21:14 +0200, Ian Gilfillan escribió:
On 15/07/2016 10:13, Luis A Guzman G wrote:
>> The second idea i would suggest (i'm on the track of learning on how to
>> implement it) would be the inclusión of images on the devices, maybe not
>> Full HD images, but some decent resolution. This in the favor of been
>> able to generate/build a 'Free software compatible hardware catalog'
>> from h-node
>> using the XML files that are already being served by the project.
>> So h-node could serve PDF catalogs to check hardware compatibility.
>> It's been years since Antonio and I discussed this ideas, but nor him or
>> me had the chance (or in my case the skills) to make it real.
There are a few concerns that stand out quickly:
- people will upload images that have nothing to do with the project
- people will upload images that they don't have the rights to, and 
other licensing issues.
- potential performance issues with uncompressed images.

admins and devoted users could help maintain this issues mostly fixed.

One way to make things simple is to require that people upload the image 
to Wikimedia Commons first, or use an image already on WC. WC is very 
active in removing improperly licensed images, so if it stays on there, 
it should be good to use and have the proper licensing. This way, the 
images can be re-used by a much wider community as well. If the images 
are loaded off their servers, there will be no performance issues.
As for loading images that have nothing to do with the project, that can 
be handled as now with text, with anonymous contributions requiring 
moderation, and registered user contributions being accepted, but easy 
to roll back, or block the user if required.

What do you think of this suggestion? This makes it fairly quick and 
easy to implement.

I think this is a quick way to address but, i don't know the rules that comes with WC to users uploading images of devices.
At the end, the idea is to maintain a device database, however a database with images could improve the experience to new users.
And the capability to get a full idea of the device we are describing.

Best regards.
Luis A Guzman G <address@hidden>

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