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Re: [GNU Crypto] How to replace Sun JCE+BouncyCastle with GNU JCE+Bouncy

From: Kevin Smith
Subject: Re: [GNU Crypto] How to replace Sun JCE+BouncyCastle with GNU JCE+BouncyCastle?
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2005 17:16:37 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041214)

Thanks to everyone who replied!

I figured out how to change the bootclasspath inside eclipse: Create a "user library" (Windows/Preferences/Java/User Libraries) that contains all the gnu-crypto jars and the BC jar. In your project properties/Java/classpath, add this library, and change the order so it is earlier than the Java runtime.

This allowed me to use BouncyCastle version 120 through gnu-crypto's JCE, bypassing the Sun crypto policy nonsense. I'm pretty sure it's doing what I think it's doing, because I "unsigned" my BC jar and it still works. Hooray!

Unfortunately, it doesn't work with BouncyCastle version 127, apparently because the older ASN.1 definitions in gnu-crypto are preventing the newer versions from being loaded out of BC. I get unresolved id_rsaes_oeap (or something like that--don't have it in front of me).

When the newer, rewritten gnu-crypto JCE is released, this problem should go away. Until then, I might be able to strip that one module out of the gnu-crypto stuff and rebuild it to get it working. Or perhaps add the missing constants.

Any idea when that new JCE is likely to be officially released? I may try grabbing it from CVS so we can give it some testing, but it would be nice to know our release schedules might be affected.

Thanks again, and keep up the good work!


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