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Re: [GNU Crypto] How to replace Sun JCE+BouncyCastle with GNU JCE+Bouncy

From: Kevin Smith
Subject: Re: [GNU Crypto] How to replace Sun JCE+BouncyCastle with GNU JCE+BouncyCastle?
Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2005 14:17:34 -0500
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041214)

Casey Marshall wrote:

Out of curiosity, what algorithms are we missing, in particular?

SHA1WithRSA for signing.

That might not work; you have to prepend those Jar files to the
bootclasspath, not your normal classpath.

Hm. I've never dealt with bootclasspath before. I'm in eclipse at the moment, and eventually would also have to know the magic that would allow this to work on raw Linux, Mac, and Windows environments. Let's postpone going down that path while we explore the other possible cause(s) and solutions.

But also; why do you want to do this? Sun's JCE should be compatible
with the one we provide, and our algorithms should work under it,
provided that the jar file is signed first.

Our app is intended to be installed and used by computer novices around the world. Requiring them to download and install the unlimited strength crypto policy file is unacceptable. Distributing the file ourself would apparently violate Sun's copyrights, so that's also unacceptable. We are faced with rewriting our code using the BouncyCastle lightweight API to bypass JCE, or to find a JCE that doesn't enforce those restrictions, like gnu-crypto.

I think we are indifferent about using BouncyCastle's JCE provider or the gnu-crypto JCE provider, as long as it is compatible with our existing data (including SHA1WithRSA signatures).

our javax-crypto.jar contains some BC code, including
some classes in the 'org.bouncycastle' namespace. It is likely that
one class is being loaded from our javax-crypto.jar, and another from
the BC jar. I rewrote the JCE from scratch, which is in our CVS
sources, and is also now a part of the GNU Classpath project.

Ok. That makes sense, I think. How stable is your new JCE? Do you think it will be production quality and released soon? Or, will the gnu-crypto provider support SHA1WithRSA soon (or does it already and it just isn't documented)?

I suppose the third option would be for me to try to rename packages or strip out parts of the existing gnu-crypto, bouncy-castle-based JCE to try to get it to work with the BouncyCastle provider.

Hope this helps!

Very helpful!

Thanks much,


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