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Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?

From: ian
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-uk] An ignorant question?
Date: 07 Jun 2003 20:28:55 +0100

> But did you notice the Moodle presentation and the final words at AFFSAC 

Yes, Moodle has merit and might be worth using for some of the things I
have in mind. I'm trying to get funding for some of this as well as
backing by schools at grass roots to get a critical mass for take up.
Some promising leads but they are just leads at the moment.

One thing that is definitely going forward is a project to build a free
software language laboratory. We will have a 62 station network with
machines with 300+meg of RAM as clients and 3 Linux thin client servers.
Brand new Languages block, furniture etc. The idea will be to provide
the functions of a school language laboratory eg voice and video
recording and play back, teacher able to listen in to clients, perhaps
take over client machine using VNC type apps etc. I will get together
with the school to determine a specification and they have some money
available to commission programmers if we have volunteers so much the
better. Since commercial language lab software + video and audio
equipment (not the computers) costs about £24,000 for a 30 station
installation and learning languages is pretty worldwide I think we have
a focussed project ideally suited to free software. Most of the tools
exist, they just need packaging.

> ....
> '..we need to choose some of the solutions and get behind them '

Well there's one and its betterin my view to do a few things with focus
well than fall between 100s of stools.

We could of course make SVG animations part of the project ;-)

ian <address@hidden>

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