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[elpa] 158/352: Uusi ominaisuus: korjausehdotukset väärinkirjoitetuille

From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: [elpa] 158/352: Uusi ominaisuus: korjausehdotukset väärinkirjoitetuille sanoille
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 14:03:29 +0000

monnier pushed a commit to branch master
in repository elpa.

commit 96a7a3bfef887916ec2eebc97d959789c756519e
Author: Teemu Likonen <address@hidden>
Date:   Mon Aug 2 12:19:05 2010 +0000

    Uusi ominaisuus: korjausehdotukset väärinkirjoitetuille sanoille
    Nyt on mahdollista määritellä kielikohtaisesti ohjelma, joka palauttaa
    sanalle korjausehdotuksia. Käyttäjä voi myös määritellä funktion, joka
    jäsentää ohjelman tulosteen ja etsii siitä korjausehdotukset. Yleisimmin
    tarvittavat jäsenninfunktiot on jo määritelty, muun muassa "ispell -a"
    -tyyppiselle tulosteelle. Löydetyt korjausehdotukset näytetään
    käyttäjälle graafisena tai tekstivalikkona riippuen siitä, ajetaanko
    komento hiiren vai näppäimistön avulla.
 wcheck-mode.el |  279 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 files changed, 262 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/wcheck-mode.el b/wcheck-mode.el
index 8089c97..2a0f63a 100644
--- a/wcheck-mode.el
+++ b/wcheck-mode.el
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ and a description of VALUE types:
     VALUE is a string that is the executable program responsible
-    for spell-checking LANGUAGE. This setting is mandatory.
+    for spell-checking LANGUAGE. This the only setting that is
+    mandatory.
      Optional command-line arguments for the program. The VALUE
@@ -141,15 +142,60 @@ case-fold
     case-sensitive (nil). Note that this only has effect on
     `wcheck-mode's internal regular expression search.
-An example contents of the `wcheck-language-data' variable:
+    `suggestion-program' is name (string) of an external
+    executable program and `suggestion-args' are the command-line
+    arguments (a list of strings) for the program. When user
+    clicks the right mouse button on marked text, or executes
+    command `wcheck-spelling-suggestions', the marked text will
+    be sent to the `suggestion-program' as standard input stream.
+    The program should send suggested substitutes (in one way or
+    another) to standard output stream.
+    `suggestion-parser' is an Emacs Lisp function which is
+    responsible for parsing the output of `suggestion-program'.
+    The function is run without arguments and within the context
+    of a temporary buffer. The buffer contains all the output
+    from the external program and the point is located at the
+    beginning of the buffer. `suggestion-parser' function should
+    collect all the substitute suggestions from the buffer and
+    return them as a list of strings or nil if there are no
+    suggestions.
+    For the most common cases there are three parser functions
+    already implemented:
+        `wcheck-parse-suggestions-ispell' parses substitute
+        suggestions from the output of Ispell or compatible
+        program, such as Enchant or Aspell. Use this function as
+        the `suggestion-parser' if you get suggestions from
+        Ispell-like program with its \"-a\" command-line option.
+        `wcheck-parse-suggestions-line' turns each line in the
+        output of `suggestion-program' to individual substitute
+        suggestions.
+        `wcheck-parse-suggestions-ws'. Each whitespace-separated
+        token in the program's output is a separate suggestion.
+Here's an example contents of the `wcheck-language-data'
       (program . \"/usr/bin/enchant\")
-      (args \"-l\" \"-d\" \"fi_FI\")
-      (syntax . my-finnish-syntax-table))
+      (args . (\"-l\" \"-d\" \"fi\"))
+      (syntax . my-finnish-syntax-table)
+      (suggestion-command . \"/usr/bin/enchant\")
+      (suggestion-args . (\"-a\" \"-d\" \"fi\"))
+      (suggestion-parser . wcheck-parse-suggestions-ispell))
      (\"British English\"
       (program . \"/usr/bin/ispell\")
-      (args \"-l\" \"-d\" \"british\"))
+      (args . (\"-l\" \"-d\" \"british\"))
+      (suggestion-command . \"/usr/bin/ispell\")
+      (suggestion-args . (\"-a\" \"-d\" \"british\"))
+      (suggestion-parser . wcheck-parse-suggestions-ispell))
      (\"Trailing whitespace\"
       (program . \"/bin/cat\")
       (regexp-start . \"\")
@@ -214,7 +260,22 @@ An example contents of the `wcheck-language-data' variable:
              (const :tag "Regexp case: " :format "%t" case-fold)
              (choice :format "%[Value Menu%] %v" :value nil
                      (const :tag "sensitive" nil)
-                     (const :tag "insensitive" t))))))))
+                     (const :tag "insensitive" t)))
+       (cons :tag "Suggestion program" :format "%v"
+             (const :tag "Suggestion program: " :format "%t" 
+             (file :format "%v"))
+       (cons :tag "Suggestion program's arguments" :format "%v"
+             (const :format "" suggestion-args)
+             (repeat :tag "Suggestion program's arguments"
+                     (string :format "%v")))
+       (cons :tag "Suggestion parser function" :format "%v"
+             (const :tag "Suggestion parser: " :format "%t"
+                    suggestion-parser)
+             (choice :format "%[Value Menu%] %v" :value nil
+                     (const :tag "Ispell" wcheck-parse-suggestions-ispell)
+                     (const :tag "Lines" wcheck-parse-suggestions-line)
+                     (const :tag "Whitespace" wcheck-parse-suggestions-ws)
+                     (function :tag "Function" :format "%v" :value 
 (defconst wcheck-language-data-defaults
@@ -425,8 +486,8 @@ semantical units are called \"languages\".
 See the documentation of variable `wcheck-language-data' for
 information on how to configure Wcheck mode. Interactive command
 `wcheck-change-language' is used to switch languages. Variable
-`wcheck-read-or-skip-faces' controls which face elements to read
-or skip in a buffer."
+`wcheck-read-or-skip-faces' controls which face elements are to
+be read or skipped in buffers."
   :init-value nil
   :lighter " wck"
@@ -911,7 +972,6 @@ visible in BUFFER within position range from BEG to END."
                (r-start (wcheck-query-language-data language 'regexp-start t))
                (r-end (wcheck-query-language-data language 'regexp-end t))
                (syntax (eval (wcheck-query-language-data language 'syntax t)))
-               (face (wcheck-query-language-data language 'face t))
                 (wcheck-query-language-data language 'case-fold t))
                (user-faces (wcheck-major-mode-faces major-mode))
@@ -921,8 +981,18 @@ visible in BUFFER within position range from BEG to END."
                (search-spaces-regexp nil)
+               (ol-face (wcheck-query-language-data language 'face t))
+               (ol-keymap (make-sparse-keymap))
+               (ol-mouse-face nil)
+               (ol-help-echo nil)
                regexp old-point)
+          (when (wcheck-query-language-data language 'suggestion-program)
+            (define-key ol-keymap [down-mouse-3] 'wcheck-mouse-click-overlay)
+            (define-key ol-keymap [mouse-3] 'undefined)
+            (setq ol-mouse-face 'highlight
+                  ol-help-echo "mouse-3: show suggestions"))
           (with-syntax-table syntax
               (dolist (word wordlist)
@@ -948,11 +1018,172 @@ visible in BUFFER within position range from BEG to 
                           ((eval face-p)
                            ;; Make an overlay.
-                            buffer face (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
+                            buffer ol-face ol-mouse-face ol-help-echo ol-keymap
+                            (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1))))
                     (setq old-point (point))))))))))))
+;;; Spelling suggestions
+(defun wcheck-marked-text-at (pos)
+  "Return information about `wcheck-mode's marked text at POS.
+POS is a buffer position. The return value is a vector of three
+items: (1) the marked text string, (2) marker at the beginning of
+the text and (3) marker at the end of the text."
+  (let ((overlay (catch 'my-overlay
+                   (dolist (ol (overlays-at pos))
+                     (when (overlay-get ol 'wcheck-mode)
+                       (throw 'my-overlay ol))))))
+    (when overlay
+      (let ((start (copy-marker (overlay-start overlay)))
+            (end (copy-marker (overlay-end overlay))))
+        (vector (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)
+                start end)))))
+(defun wcheck-spelling-suggestions (pos &optional popup-menu)
+  "Get spelling suggestions for marked text at POS.
+If POS is on marked text and substitute suggestion program is
+properly configured show a menu of suggested substitutions. If
+user chooses one the original marked text is replaced with the
+chosen substitute."
+  (interactive "d")
+  (let ((overlay-data (or (wcheck-marked-text-at pos)
+                          (wcheck-marked-text-at (1- pos)))))
+    (if overlay-data
+        (let* ((text (aref overlay-data 0))
+               (start (aref overlay-data 1))
+               (end (aref overlay-data 2))
+               (suggestions (wcheck-get-suggestions wcheck-language text)))
+          (unless (eq suggestions 'error)
+            (let ((chosen (if (and window-system popup-menu)
+                              (wcheck-choose-suggestion-popup suggestions)
+                            (wcheck-choose-suggestion-minibuffer 
+              (when (and (stringp chosen)
+                         (markerp start)
+                         (markerp end))
+                (if buffer-read-only
+                    (message "Buffer is read-only")
+                  (delete-region start end)
+                  (goto-char start)
+                  (insert chosen)
+                  (goto-char (+ start (length chosen))))))))
+      (message "There is no marked text here"))))
+(defun wcheck-get-suggestions (language text)
+  "Get suggestions from external program.
+Run LANGUAGE's external suggestion program (if configured) and
+send TEXT as standard input stream for the program. Parse
+program's output with user-configured parser function (see
+`wcheck-language-data') and return possible substitute
+suggestions as a list of strings (or nil if there aren't any)."
+  (let ((program (wcheck-query-language-data language 'suggestion-program))
+        (args (wcheck-query-language-data language 'suggestion-args))
+        (func (wcheck-query-language-data language 'suggestion-parser)))
+    (cond ((or (not (stringp program))
+               (and (stringp program)
+                    (zerop (length program))))
+           (message "Language \"%s\": suggestion program is not configured"
+                    language)
+           'error)
+          ((not (wcheck-program-executable-p program))
+           (message "Language \"%s\": program \"%s\" is not executable"
+                    language program)
+           'error)
+          ((not func)
+           (message "Parser function for language \"%s\" is not configured"
+                    language)
+           'error)
+          (t
+           (with-temp-buffer
+             (insert text)
+             (apply #'call-process-region (point-min) (point-max)
+                    program t t nil args)
+             (goto-char (point-min))
+             (let ((suggestions (funcall func)))
+               (if (wcheck-list-of-strings-p suggestions)
+                   suggestions
+                 (message (concat "Parser function must return a list "
+                                  "of strings or the empty list (nil)"))
+                 'error)))))))
+(defun wcheck-choose-suggestion-popup (suggestions)
+  "Create a pop-up menu to choose a substitute suggestion.
+SUGGESTIONS is a list of strings. Return user's choice (string)."
+  (let ((menu (if suggestions
+                  (mapcar #'(lambda (item)
+                              (cons item item))
+                          suggestions)
+                (list "[No suggestions]"))))
+    (x-popup-menu t (list "Choose a substitute" (cons "" menu)))))
+(defun wcheck-choose-suggestion-minibuffer (suggestions)
+  "Create a text menu to choose a substitute suggestion.
+SUGGESTIONS is a list of strings. Return user's choice (string)."
+  (if suggestions
+      (let* ((window-min-height 2)
+             (split-window-keep-point t)
+             (chars (append (number-sequence 49 57) (list 48)
+                            (number-sequence 97 122)))
+             alist)
+        (with-temp-buffer
+          (setq mode-line-format (list "-- Choose a substitute %-")
+                cursor-type nil
+                truncate-lines t)
+          (let (suggestion item)
+            (while (and suggestions chars)
+              (setq suggestion (car suggestions)
+                    suggestions (cdr suggestions)
+                    item (format "  (%c) %s" (car chars) suggestion)
+                    alist (cons (cons (car chars) suggestion) alist)
+                    chars (cdr chars))
+              (insert item)
+              (when (and suggestions chars
+                         (>= (+ (- (point) (line-beginning-position))
+                                (length (concat "  ( ) " (car suggestions))))
+                             (window-width)))
+                (newline 1))))
+          (setq buffer-read-only t)
+          (let ((window (split-window-vertically
+                         (1- (- (count-lines (point-min) (point-max)))))))
+            (set-window-buffer window (current-buffer))
+            (set-window-dedicated-p window t)
+            (cond ((cdr (assq (read-char-exclusive "Enter character:")
+                              alist)))
+                  (t (message "Invalid character") nil)))))
+    (message "No suggestions")
+    nil))
+(defun wcheck-parse-suggestions-line ()
+  "Parser for newline-separated suggestions."
+  (delete-dups (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+                                                             (point-max))
+                             "\n+" t)))
+(defun wcheck-parse-suggestions-ws ()
+  "Parser for whitespace-separated suggestions."
+  (delete-dups (split-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
+                                                             (point-max))
+                             "[ \f\t\n\r\v]+" t)))
+(defun wcheck-parse-suggestions-ispell ()
+  "Parser for Ispell-compatible programs' output."
+  (let ((search-spaces-regexp nil))
+    (save-match-data
+      (when (re-search-forward "^& [^:]+: \\(.+\\)$" nil t)
+        (delete-dups (split-string (match-string-no-properties 1)
+                                   ", " t))))))
 ;;; Face information functions
@@ -1039,15 +1270,19 @@ defined in `wcheck-language-data-defaults'."
                (eq key 'regexp-start)
                (eq key 'regexp-body)
                (eq key 'regexp-end)
-               (eq key 'regexp-discard))
+               (eq key 'regexp-discard)
+               (eq key 'suggestion-program))
            (if (stringp value) value default-value))
           ((eq key 'args)
-           (cond ((wcheck-list-of-strings-p value)
-                  value)
+           (cond ((wcheck-list-of-strings-p value) value)
                  ((stringp value)
                   ;; For backwards compatibility
                   (split-string-and-unquote value "[ \t\n]+"))
                  (t default-value)))
+          ((eq key 'suggestion-args)
+           (when (wcheck-list-of-strings-p value) value))
+          ((eq key 'suggestion-parser)
+           (when (functionp value) value))
           ((or (eq key 'connection)
                (eq key 'case-fold))
@@ -1134,17 +1369,20 @@ according to A's and all overlapping A B ranges are 
 ;;; Overlays
-(defun wcheck-make-overlay (buffer face beg end)
+(defun wcheck-make-overlay (buffer face mouse-face help-echo keymap beg end)
   "Create an overlay to mark text.
-Create an overlay in BUFFER from range BEG to END. Put FACE as
-the overlay's \"face\" property."
+Create an overlay in BUFFER from range BEG to END. FACE,
+MOUSE-FACE, HELP-ECHO and KEYMAP are overlay's properties."
   (let ((overlay (make-overlay beg end buffer)))
     (dolist (prop `((wcheck-mode . t)
                     (face . ,face)
+                    (mouse-face . ,mouse-face)
                     (modification-hooks . (wcheck-remove-changed-overlay))
                     (insert-in-front-hooks . (wcheck-remove-changed-overlay))
                     (insert-behind-hooks . (wcheck-remove-changed-overlay))
-                    (evaporate . t)))
+                    (evaporate . t)
+                    (keymap . ,keymap)
+                    (help-echo . ,help-echo)))
       (overlay-put overlay (car prop) (cdr prop)))))
@@ -1161,6 +1399,13 @@ range BEG to END. Otherwise remove all overlays."
     (delete-overlay overlay)))
+(defun wcheck-mouse-click-overlay (event)
+  "Overlay mouse-click event.
+Send the mouse pointer position to spelling suggestion function."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (wcheck-spelling-suggestions (posn-point (event-end event)) t))
 ;;; Buffer data access functions

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