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Re: [Dolibarr-dev] difference Versioning Tag-Download / Différence Tag

From: Florian Henry
Subject: Re: [Dolibarr-dev] difference Versioning Tag-Download / Différence Tag vs Download
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 07:56:49 +0100
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Hello Laurent,

- From sourceforge :
    line 879 in

- From GitHub :
        line 879 in :

As I said, it's not huge différence. But for users that use multicompany, it can cause problem of theme.

Kind regards.

Florian HENRY
+33 6 03 76 48 07

Le 29/12/2012 01:17, Laurent Destailleur (eldy) a écrit :
The 3.2.3 was released the 2th december and the package build this day
was pushed to sourceforge the 5th.
And SCM was tagged on version 3.2.3 that is available onto sourceforge.
The commit id is 6048641.

I checked the point you are speaking about and i didn't find the difference.
The file with the tag 3.2.3 is same than the file onto sourceforge, even
for the line 879.

Can you explain how you make your check and downloads ?

Le 27/12/2012 17:46, Florian Henry a écrit :
Hello all,

     I come again with the versionning issues.

     There is a difference between the Tag 3.2.3 in Github
dolibarr/dolibarr and the version 3.2.3 downladable here :

     It's not a huge difference : in line 879 on
$themeparams=... The version with the tag 3.2.3 in github seems to be
more accurate than the one avalaible with the download.

     I can understand that the différence is really light, but as a
developper I would like to be sure that the install made by my
customers (if they do it themselve) is exactly the same the tha tagged
version it get on github.

     The pacakge downloadable should be updated.


Bonjour a tous,

     Je reviens sur un problème de différence entre la version Dolibarr
3.2.3 téléchargable
et la version Taggé 3.2.3 sur github.

     Ce n'est pas grand choses dans ligne 879
$themeparams=... La version sur github semble plus complete que celle

     Je peux comprendre que la différence est légère, mais cela pose le
probléme si un client fait sont installation seul et que je ne
reproduit pas les anomalies qu'il recontre. Perte de temps...

     Le package sur sourceforge devrait être mis a jour.


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