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Re: Is GNUstep really cross platform? (was: FW: GNUstep on MS Windows (O

From: John Davidorff Pell
Subject: Re: Is GNUstep really cross platform? (was: FW: GNUstep on MS Windows (Oh boy...i've done it now!))
Date: Thu, 4 Dec 2003 23:52:12 -0800

GNU's libobjc does not not-compile because it is broken. It is in no way broken. It compiles fine. I have built in numerous times during my attempts to build GNUstep. It has been turned off when building gcc. There is a VERY big difference. Anyone with commit to FSF's GCC CVS can fix this. Check your information before you question mine.

By GSCompat, I am assuming that you mean the "Additions", which is what they seem to be called on the web site and in the documentation. This is what you get when you do "make base=no add=yes". If this is not what you mean, then please correct me. GNUstep-GUI DOES NOT WORK WITH APPLE'S FOUNDATION AND THE ADDITIONS, IT NEEDS THE FULL GNUstep-BASE! Check your information before you question mine.

GNUstep was ABSOLUTELY designed to compile on 4.4BSD. It is a *nix just like any other. Because much of the functionality is already there does not mean that it should not work! Again, GNUstep-gui will NOT compile without the FULL GNUstep-base. Check your information before you question mine.


On Dec 4, 2003, at 11:12 PM, Alex Perez wrote:

You don't need to compile GNUstep-base on OS X. This is pointless, and
needlessly redundant. GNUstep was not designed to compile under OS X for
the reasons listed above. The most you would/should ever need to get a
GNUstep app to compile under OS X is GSCompat. The primary issue for why GNUstep doesn't compile properly under OS X is due to a moron at apple/FSF
who *INTENTIONALLY* broke the ability of the GNU Objective-C runtime to
function under OS X. This is currently in the process of being fixed, and has nothing to do with GNUstep in any way (other than us advocating that
it be fixed, more than the OS X folks have done for the issue to date).

". . . Through the cold and darkness
we will look back on this day
and fall into oblivion.
Through a brilliance beyond twilight
we will rise again,
ready to face the dangers that befall on us . . ."

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