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Windows problems

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Windows problems
Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2001 12:48:00 +0200

I'm getting more and more convinced that using a 
cygwin shell as the Lilypond shell causes more
problems as it solves. 

Some examples:

- It seems we need wrappers for more or less any
  program to convert the file paths back and forth.
  For example, yap was unable to make feta*.pk
  files, since $MFINPUTS was set to the cygwin
  path, not the windows path. 
  (MFINPUTS="$WINDOWS_MFINPUTS" fixed the problem)

- None of the Lilypond programs is able to handle
  files specified using an absolute path. Example:

$ ly2dvi /usr/lilypond/input/test/manual-clef.ly

Running LilyPond...
GNU LilyPond 1.4.2
warning: can't find file: `/cygdrive/c/usr/lilypond/input/test/manual-clef
warning: no lilypond output found for \usr\lilypond\input\test\manual-clef

- There's no information in the current documentation on 
  how to translate between Cygwin paths and Windows paths;
  how can a Windows user now where to place the .ly files.


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