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[Yafray-devel] CVS connection timed out

From: Kenneth Venken
Subject: [Yafray-devel] CVS connection timed out
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2007 16:23:08 +0200


Let me start by introducing myself. I'm Kenneth Venken a Computer
Science student from Belgium. (University of Hasselt) I've been willing
to join an opensource project for some time now. I'm interested in Ray
Tracing and I would like to contribute to this project. Perhaps add a
feature and write a Master Thesis about it. (or something like that)

Anyway, first things first, getting the source and compiling it. 
This is how far i get:

cvs -d:pserver:address@hidden:/cvsroot/yafray login

Logging in to :pserver:address@hidden:2401/cvsroot/yafray
CVS password: 

cvs [login aborted]: connect to cvs.blender.org(
failed: Connection timed out

Is the server down/busy? Or am i doing something wrong.

Kenneth Venken

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