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Re: [Tlf-devel] Fw: WARC bands

From: Nate Bargmann
Subject: Re: [Tlf-devel] Fw: WARC bands
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 08:18:56 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.21 (2010-09-15)

* On 2014 22 Jan 23:56 -0600, Thomas Beierlein wrote:
> The whole initialization code is very complex and not easily to change.
> It is on my todo list already but changign needs a lot of care. Maybe
> we should write it completely from scratch.

Here is a hare-brained idea from the peanut gallery.  ;-)

If (and I say "if") a rewrite of some sort is desirable, then it may be
desirable to separate certain parts of TLF into a library so that core
functions such as duping, country lookup, scoring, managing the log
file, etc. would be separate from the UI.  Then other UIs could be
written to take advantage of the library so that a TR compatible UI
would share the same core as one written for CT users or a general
logger, for example.  As I see it, every logger out there does mostly
the same things and each one reinvents all of these similar functions.
The real differences are the UI and, up until such a libary would exist,
varying degrees of completeness of the common parts.

No matter the UI, a callsign given to the country lookup routine would
return the same answer based on the cty.dat installed.  Log file format
would be separate from the UI.  Perhaps mutliple log format backends
could be incorporated as some users may prefer a flat file and others an
SQL DB and so on.  A common interface would allow easily reading a log
file generated from one UI in another UI.  Each UI would have access to
consistent Cabrillo and ADIF export and import.  A C library can be used
with just about any other language so these core routines wouldn't limit
UIs to be written in C.


73, de Nate >>


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