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[Swarm-Support] re: Trying to compile swarm on MS-Windows/cygwin

From: amores nolikeyjunk
Subject: [Swarm-Support] re: Trying to compile swarm on MS-Windows/cygwin
Date: Thu, 15 May 2003 00:46:22 +0000

Edited: 2003-05-14


(and/or anyone else who is interested in collaborating or
kibbitzing on the topic of swarm on cygwin)

I want to try again to configure/build/run swarm on cygwin.
I've gone through my notes, and tried to put together what I
know in the file I include below, as my strategy document.

I wonder which compiler you'd recommend ?
Last time I tried (& failed), I thought that my problem was
that the gcc that came with my new cygwin did not include
the objective-C front-end, so I got myself a gcc-3.2.2,
and I think I successfully built it; my notes are not good
enough; I think I got gcc-3.2.2 built, but then had trouble
compiling swarm.

The candidates that I see, for gcc, are
- the gcc in the binary swarm-2.1 distribution
- the current gcc with cygwin
- compiling my own gcc (eg, 3.2.2 which is what I tried before)

Also, and this may be related, I don't understand what the
METHOD_PATCH actually patches. I have the .patch file, and I can
see it alters interface.el, but is that in the gcc source, or
the gcc runtime files, or somewhere else ?

My current (newly installed on new Windows-2000 machine) gcc:
$ gcc --version
gcc (GCC) 3.2 20020927 (prerelease)

As for autotools, it is complicated under cygwin, as two versions
are installed simultaneously, a development version and a stable
version, so I won't list all the version numbers involved unless
you (or anyone) cares (in which I'd be happy to list them).



get a new cygwin, with lots of development tools (incl. emacs)

get, configure, compile blt2.4z from sourceforge
Edit configure file & remove the bypass section for X includes (second occurrence of "win")
mkdir bld; cd bld; ../configure
Edit src/bltHash.h and move line 75 to line 74 (to avoid a lot of compiler warnings)

Pick a compiler ?
Setup path (what else ? lib path ?)

Find out what the METHOD_PATCH is
(I have the patch file, it is a revision to interface.el, but where is that ?)

get a swarm source snapshot

Notes on configuring (swarm needed help finding tcltk 8.4 because it only tried 8.0 to 8.3 I think)

JAVAC=jikes ../configure --prefix=/Swarm-2.2 --with-defaultdir=/Swarm-2.2 --with-tclscriptdir=/usr/share/tcl8.4 --with-tkscriptdir=/usr/share/tk8.4 --with-jdkdir=/Swarm-2.2 --with-pngdir=/usr --with-xpmdir=/usr

My latest attempt is to edit the bld/libtool and bld/libobjc/libtool
and change allow_undefined from "unsupported" to "yes"

Fix (two) wrong-way slashes in bld/src/Makefile in .elc files

edit /usr/include/errno.h and add include guards for error_t typedef
#ifndef __error_t_defined
typedef int error_t;
#define __error_t_defined

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