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Rough Update and Question

From: dclement
Subject: Rough Update and Question
Date: Wed, 9 Oct 2002 14:16:22 -0600

Hash: SHA1

I've been playing with getting it installed and running (the configure file for MacOS X doesn't like where I've stuck things and won't accept me telling it where I have them), along with some of the source code. I need to set up a Linux box so that I can get it installed there, but that's further down the road.

Unfortunately other than a little work over the last year I have very little experience with Agent-Based modeling. I got interested in it right before the summer started thanks to my best friend and worked on a project for the Alliance for Youth Achievement, but my background is principally mathematics and computer science.

Presently I am working my way through Dynamics in Human and Primate Societies, along with Bar-Yam's Complex Systems textbook, but I think I need more references to understand some of the concepts here, specifically those in dynamic modeling (I know, different field, but references are made pretty often).

Can anyone recommend work in the field of dynamic modeling that would discuss some of the questions, concepts, and equations posed? I have a strong background in mathematics, but only a limited background in social or biological fields. Bar-Yam goes into some of it, but more focused information would be useful.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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