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Re: Which Linux for Mac G3 and Swarm?

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: Which Linux for Mac G3 and Swarm?
Date: 02 Feb 2001 12:14:56 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.070084 (Pterodactyl Gnus v0.84) Emacs/20.4

>>>>> "JP" == Jay Pringle <address@hidden> writes:

JP> On the Swarm download page, there are packaged binaries for SuSE
JP> 6.3 GNU/Linux x86 and LinuxPPC R5 (1999).  Would either of these
JP> be compatible with their respective versions above, or will I have
JP> to build Swarm from source?

What I have working is a distribution from ftp://ftp.linuxppc.org.
It's a LinuxPPC 1999 Q3 system that's been upgraded to current RPMs
(LinuxPPC 2000 `Halloween') or thereabouts.  I built these RPMs on
that system:


swarm-2.1.31-1.rh6.ppc.rpm is the one you want.  I hear a source install
on the latest-and-greatest SuSE/PPC works too.

JP> I would obviously like the Swarm install onto the G3 to be as
JP> painless as possible ;) and the linux environment to be as
JP> friendly as possible. 

No, that's not possible!  The SDG policy is to gratuitously go far _out of
our way_ to TORTURE users!  Think of it as being Catholic, maybe.  ;-)

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