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Re: wierd random number behavior

From: Marcus G. Daniels
Subject: Re: wierd random number behavior
Date: 20 Apr 1999 09:01:43 -0700

>>>>> "B" == Benedikt Stefansson <address@hidden> writes:

B> although it
B> is harder to explain the overrun for randNum. However it could be a
B> strange byproduct of the variable threshold going to infinity.

Maybe... The easiest way to find out if there is a weird side effect
is to remove the threshold computation.  On some versions of Linux,
exp is an assembly inline and so a compiler bug might screw up the FPU
state somehow.

B> On Linux I've had problems when dividing a floating point value by
B> an integer (i.e using 4 instead of 4.0).

This should work.  [section 2.7 in the C reference manual]

B> The "-moisture" is not proper C and should be written "-1.0*moisture". 

This should also work.  [section 7.2 in Appendix A in the C reference manual]

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