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Re: Apple dumping ObjectiveC for Java ?

From: Rod Price
Subject: Re: Apple dumping ObjectiveC for Java ?
Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 14:19:17 -0700

Paul Johnson wrote:
> Even if Apple switches, why should Linux users care?  The GNUstep
> project is supposed to parallel the Apple project, and it is
> still using Obj-C, right?  And GNUstep will offer the cross
> platform portability still, right?

The difference between the two compilers is that the Apple/NeXT
version allows you to freely intermix Objective-C code and C++
code, and the GNU version doesn't.  People seem to call this
Objective C++.  I think it's much more useful for writing code,
since you get to use some of the nice features of C++ for numeric
work, such as operator overloading, yet you can still use ObjC
for the object-oriented part (which is almost always distinct
from the numeric part).

A couple examples: consider complex numbers and matrix libraries.

-Rod Price

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